
Ebulobo Node v0.2 is a self contained UKHASnet gateway combining an ESP8266 wifi module with a RFM69HW radio powered over USB. Its ideal for starting a new UKHASnet network, after being setup it'll connect to your home wifi and upload received packets to the server. The core of the system is based on the amazing ESP8266 wifi module and has been reflashed using the Arduino environment, communication with the RFM69HW is via the onboard SPI.

The node is complete apart from the antenna for the RFM69HW which can be attached via an SMA connector.

Onboard components

  • ESP8266-03 Wifi Module (contains internal RISC CPU)
  • RFM69HW radio module
  • USB connector to provide power (does not provide a full USB connection)
  • MCP1700 3.3v voltage regulator
  • 2.54mm spaced header for reprogramming and serial connection

  • Antenna for RF69HW via SMA
  • To reprogram default settings a usb/serial convertor (3.3v) - not required for out of box operation.


The nodes come pre-programmed with a gateway ID.

  1. To setup connect the node to a usb socket, the ESP8266 on boot will setup its on wifi access point beginning with ESP****** which will be open access.
  2. Connect to the network and it will redirect you to a login page (if this doesn't work then go to where you can select which wifi network you want the ESP8266 to join.
  3. Once this is select the node will reboot and connect to this network and immediately start uploading received packets.


The ESP8266 can be reprogrammed over serial using the Arduino IDE see for more details.

ESP8266/RFM69HW Gateway (Ebulobo Node v0.2)

  • Product Code: ebulobo_0.2
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • £12.00